1345 EZRA STREET, WEST FRANKFORT, ILLINOIS, 62896 • (618) 932-6988 • PASTOR'S OFFICE (618) 932-6909
May 14, 2003
Dr. Walter Thompson
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Dear Dr. Thompson:
Greetings in the holy name of our Lord Jesus!
It is my understanding that you serve as chairman of the board
of directors of Three Angels Broadcasting Network. From 3ABN's
web site it appears an invitation to minister has been extended
to this congregation's former pastor, Tommy Ray Shelton.
Constrained by an ethical, if not legal, obligation, I am compelled
to advise you that Tommy Ray Shelton is not in good standing
with either of the two associations by which he was first presented
with ministerial credentials. At least six boys in our community
were sexually abused by Tommy Ray Shelton during the periods
he served as pastor of this congregation.
Some of these young men and some parents are willing to corroborate
the information I am giving you, if necessary. Please contact
me for their phone numbers that I may alert them to a pending
call. I also will put you in touch with the two associations
referenced above.
Either I or members of this congregation's leadership will answer
any questions you may have regarding this correspondence.
In our Lord's service,

Pastor Glenn Dryden
Expediency recommended :
Senate Bill 1035 extending statute of limitations goes into effect
as soon as signed by Governor Blagojevich. This could be within
the next thirty days.
Note http://www.legis.state.il.us
Tommy should retain an attorney to represent him as well as to
serve him in contacting victims and their families, all at Tommy's
A full disclosure of all victims and details should be made to
the Franklin County Sheriff's Office (Investigator Kevin Skurat,
618-435-8187). This disclosure should include pertinent incidences
in other states as well as in other jurisdictions in Illinois
in addition to Franklin County.
Tommy should cooperate in the placement of his name and pertinent
information on appropriate sex offenders lists, as the law may
require in the state of his residence or in Illinois.
Tommy should agree to reimburse any of the victims or their family
members for the expenses of counseling they have received. He
should further agree to pay for any future counseling required
by any of the victims or their family members. Contact should
be made by his attorney with the victims through their parents
if necessary. Pastor Glenn Dryden of the Ezra Church of God (***-***-****)
should be consulted as to the victims of whom he is aware and
as to which of these may be contacted directly. Other victims
may wish to maintain anonymity. Apart from necessary contact
by law enforcement personnel, their wishes should be respected.
Tommy should issue written apologies over his signature to all
victims and to their parents. Again, contact with victims should
be made through their parents if necessary.
Tommy also should issue written apologies over his signature
for his deceit, as well as inappropriate behavior, etc., to the
congregation of the Ezra Church of God, West Frankfort, Illinois,
the congregation of the Community Church of God, Dunn Loring,
Virginia, the state office of the General Assembly Of The Church
Of God In Illinois and to the Ministerial Council of the Church
of God headquartered in Virginia.