3ABN & Danny Shelton v. Gailon Joy & Robert Pickle
Plaintiff 3ABN's Requests for Production of Documents
and Things to Defendant Robert Pickle (First Set)
Document Request No. 4
Request No. 4:
All correspondence, including letters, memos, notes, electronic
mail, or other communication, that you have received, whether
as the named recipient, as a "carbon-copied" recipient, or as
a "forwarded" recipient, from any person, entity or third party,
including but not limited to Plaintiff, Linda Shelton, Nicholas
"Nick" Miller, Gregory Matthews, Robert Pickle, Calvin Eakins,
Daryl Fawcett, Johann Thorvaldson, Arild Abrahamsen, Adventist
Today, or any church, pastor or governing body of the Seventh-Day
Adventist church including ASI, relating to 3ABN, Danny Shelton,
the www.Save3ABN.com website, this litigation, or the subject
matter of the instant dispute.
Response by Defendant Pickle: We assume you mean
"Request No. 5," not "Request No. 4."
See auto-discovery materials. In these you will find correspondence we received from
"Robert Pickle," but such is actually a duplication of correspondence you requested in "Request No.
3 4," since correspondence we sent to Robert Pickle is of necessity correspondence we received
from him as well.
Again, even though you didn't list Gailon Joy's name above, we have included correspondence we
received from him too.
The documents highlighted in this response consist of portions of two email exchanges between
Gailon Joy and Danny Shelton, one from October
12 and 13, 2006, and the other from October
16, 2006. You can find these emails in the email collection as well as using the links in this response
in the Save3ABN.com collection in the auto-discovery materials.
We received the emails written by Mr. Joy as BCC's, with Danny Shelton's emails attached.
The headers of Danny Shelton's emails have been restored in the Save3ABN.com
collection by referring to his original emails.